Virtual Gallery

Your Art Here!

Do you want to increase your exposure and sell your art? Art is our business and we’re constantly talking with people and companies interested in what you have to offer. At no cost to you, we select pieces from your portfolio to advertise in our virtual gallery. Think of us as you’re new mobile gallery!

No flat or upfront costs, commission-based starting at 15%.

Wayne Addington Images – Abstract Art

High quality abstract art by local Durham, NC artist Charles Miller. Perfect for your home, business, restaurant, coffee shop, or any space looking for that extra element of excitement. Exquisite framed prints available in a wide variety of sizes.

Check out his latest works and full portfolio of available art on his website.

Interested? Reach out to the artist directly, or contact us and we’ll get you set up.

Dax – Photographer / Videographer

Dax is the Art Haven Founder, and personally offers a diverse array of content creation services.

Your Art Here!

Do you want to increase your exposure and sell your art? Art is our business and we’re constantly talking with people and companies interested in what you have to offer. At no cost to you, we select pieces from your portfolio to advertise in our virtual gallery. Think of us as you’re new mobile gallery!

No flat or upfront costs, commission-based starting at 15%.
